Fixing Alt-Enter maximising XTerm

Using Org-mode, it was incredibly inconvenient when both in FreeBSD and Linux, Alt-Enter, or Alt-Return as XTerm calls it, stole the Alt-Return key combination and just maximised itself.

Not sure if this is i3wm related, but could just be that other window managers re-configure this.

I can’t remember how I fixed this in Linux a few years back, but just had to go through it all again in FreeBSD with i3. XTerm reads .Xdefaults, and adding the following to the bottom fixed it:

*VT100.Translations: #override \
        Alt <Key>Return:        \n\

There are Google hits claiming XTerm*fullscreen: never or XTerm*omitTranslation: fullscreen fixes it, but that was not the case for me.

Hope this gets you back using Org-mode!

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